Beatriz Mouriño-Carballido (Associate Professor)
Daniel Fernández (PhD student)
Past members
Marcos Fontela (Juan de la Cierva Postdoctoral Fellow)
Antonio Comesaña Davila (PhD student)
Esperanza Broullón (First postion after PhD defence: Postdoctoral Investigator at the University of Southamptom, UK)
Bieito Fernández Castro (First postion after PhD defence: “Juan de la Cierva” postdoctoral Investigator at the IIM-CSIC, Vigo-Spain)
Víctor Moreira Coello (First postion after PhD defence: professor at the CIFP Manuel Antonio, Vigo-Spain)
José Luis Otero Ferrer (First postion after PhD defence: Statistician at Biostatech Advice Training and Innovation In Biostatistics S.L)
Marina Villamaña Rodríguez (PhD student)
Paloma Chouciño Vilela (Technician)